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United Photo Press Crea­tive Artists 1990–2018

Toge­ther with the book pre­sen­ta­tion “28 Years of United Photo Press Crea­tive Artists 1990–2018″ the Portugal-based agency United Photo Press shows 25 works by 18 inter­na­tio­nal artists. The aim of United Photo Press is to bring toge­ther the crea­tive poten­tial of artists from all coun­tries, regard­less of eth­ni­city, reli­gion or gen­der, and to engage in dia­lo­gue with the diverse moti­ves, tech­ni­ques and materials.

10 Janu­ary 2019 – 19 Janu­ary 2019

On 10 Janu­ary begin­ning at 7 p.m. all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion and book pre­sen­ta­tion at the gal­lery. Some of the artist will be present.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:

United Photo Press Crea­tive Artists 1990–2018

The Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy is loo­king for­ward to working with United Photo Press, which will be pre­sen­ting the book “28 Years of United Photo Press Crea­tive Artists 1990–2018″ and ori­gi­nal works in the gal­lery spaces from 10 to 19 Janu­ary 2019. Of the count­less artists who have pre­viously par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the inter­na­tio­nal exhi­bi­ti­ons of United Photo Press, a selec­tion of 18 posi­ti­ons has been made reflec­ting the broad reper­toire of the tech­ni­ques and approa­ches collec­ted here.
With a total of 25 works are rep­re­sen­ted: Fer­nando Bolívar, Armando Car­d­oso, José Car­neiro, Cida Dem­ar­chi, André Gonçal­ves, Doro­thea Grimme, Bri­gitte Jochum, Maria João Matos, Sér­gio Moreira, Bir­git Moser, Jose Ras­quinho, Andrés Rueda, Ulli Schme­ling, José Simões, Car­los Sousa, Doina Iova­nel Spi­neanu, Adrian Val­le­jos, Zorba.
United Photo Press has set its­elf the task of brin­ging toge­ther the crea­tive poten­tial of artists from all coun­tries, regard­less of eth­ni­city, reli­gion or gen­der, enga­ging in dia­lo­gue with the many dif­fe­rent moti­ves, tech­ni­ques and mate­ri­als. Pho­to­gra­phic works as well as works of sculp­ture and pain­ting open up pic­to­rial spaces of lines, struc­tures and color, in which emo­ti­ons and sen­sua­lity as well as breaks and the search for new expres­sive pos­si­bi­li­ties become visi­ble. The artists pre­sen­ted here place their crea­ti­vity at the ser­vice of a crea­tive depar­ture and are gui­ded by atten­tion, curio­sity and inte­rest in com­bi­ning their indi­vi­dual artistic expres­sion with the sub­lime goal of inter­na­tio­nal under­stan­ding
The goals of the United Photo Press Crea­tive Artists are sup­por­ted by the Ame­ri­can Insti­tute of Arts and the Uni­ver­sity of Queens­land in Aus­tra­lia. In 2010, United Photo Press was elec­ted a United Nati­ons part­ner for the Inter­na­tio­nal Year of Biodiversity.