


The Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy is deligh­ted to be showing the work of Dus­sel­dorf artist PLATUX for the first time. A selec­tion of 14 works has been made, con­tai­ning series such as the City Art Collec­tion, which is dedi­ca­ted to major cities around the world, the Royal & Castle Collec­tion or Nature Art, all of which are pro­du­ced in short runs. The artist plays a variety of high-quality mate­ri­als, such as ela­bo­rate fine art prints with acrylic glass sea­ling, light art works, as well as the room acoustics impro­ving Can­vas ArtS­or­ber, or exqui­site art on mother-of-pearl.

2 May 2019 – 29 May 2019

On 2 May begin­ning at 7 p.m. all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist is present.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


Large-format views of cities and well-known buil­dings, dis­sol­ved in color pla­nes, are his trade­mark: after a career as a suc­cess­ful entre­pre­neur, the Dus­sel­dorf artist Andreas Den­storf aka PLATUX has ent­i­rely dedi­ca­ted to pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­gra­phy since 2010, in which he admi­nis­ters his per­so­nal expe­ri­ence with phi­lo­so­phy and lets it flow into his cha­rac­te­ristic color and light aes­the­tics. The pho­to­graphs selec­ted by PLATUX com­bine dif­fe­rent levels and mea­nings that lead the viewer away from the actual motif and immerse them in a sur­pri­sing, newly crea­ted visual world. In this way, each of his works opens up to the nar­ra­tive, offe­ring ample space for the ima­gi­na­tion of a story wit­hin the pic­ture. In addi­tion to the poly­chrome colo­ring alre­ady men­tio­ned, alie­na­tion tech­ni­ques such as sepa­ra­ti­ons, reflec­tions and over­lays also con­tri­bute to this. And it is those ele­ments of the unex­pec­ted, over­power­ing that evoke in the viewer a cascade of desi­res, memo­ries and moods. The artist plays a variety of high-quality mate­ri­als, such as ela­bo­rate fine art prints with acrylic glass sea­ling, light art works, as well as the room acoustics impro­ving Can­vas ArtS­or­ber, or exqui­site art on mother-of-pearl.
Last but not least, it is this sen­suous qua­lity that is responsi­ble for the world­wide suc­cess of PLATUX’s works of art: since 2010, they have been on view at exhi­bi­ti­ons and art fairs in Switz­er­land, in France (here, among others, the Lou­vre), in Italy (eg Flo­rence Bien­nale ), in the United Arab Emi­ra­tes, in Canada and in Ger­many. Bran­den­burg Gate Ber­lin, a 15 m² large art­work, was acqui­red by the Ger­man Con­su­late Gene­ral in Syd­ney.
From the PLATUX oeu­vre, pre­sen­ted for the first time in the Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, a selec­tion of 14 works has been made, con­tai­ning series such as the City Art Collec­tion, which is dedi­ca­ted to major cities around the world, the Royal & Castle Collec­tion or Nature Art, all of which are pro­du­ced in short runs.