
Our idea of the United Sta­tes of Ame­rica is uns­haka­bly cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the visual aes­the­tic of Hol­ly­wood and the Ame­ri­can adver­ti­sing indus­try. From the out­set, this aes­the­tic has uti­li­zed the effi­cacy of the see­min­gly limit­less, sun-drenched land­scapes fea­turing laid-back young people accom­pa­nied by cool music in brea­thta­king hotrods embra­c­ing adven­ture — and with it — an atti­tude towards life that reflects this expe­ri­ence. This appears to dia­me­tri­cally oppose the ever­y­day rea­li­ties in Cen­tral Europe. Per­haps that is why the ‘Cali­for­nia Life­style’ has been etched into the viewer’s ima­gi­na­tion as the per­fect sought-out loca­tion and a place where ever­y­thing seems pos­si­ble. The pho­to­gra­phic work of Mag­da­lena Wos­inska (born 1983) sub­scri­bes to not­hing less than this ideal. After having grown up in the ska­ter scene of Tempe, Ari­zona, she moved to Los Ange­les at the age of 21 and recei­ved a tho­rough app­ren­ti­ce­ship from a renow­ned pho­to­gra­pher. Shortly after beco­m­ing a free­lance com­mer­cial pho­to­gra­pher in 2009, she made a name for her­self. Since then Wos­inska has recei­ved com­mis­si­ons from a mul­ti­tude of major Ame­ri­can labels and has worked with highly paid models. As a for­mer gui­ta­rist and sin­ger in a hard rock band, she remains tightly lin­ked to the music scene by pro­vi­ding images for record covers.
Wosinska’s imagery as a com­mer­cial pho­to­gra­pher draws from the West Coast’s Ame­ri­can way of life, where loca­ti­ons, access­ories, and actors are per­fectly balan­ced by one ano­ther. Nar­ra­tive sta­ging and the camera’s use of sub­jec­tive par­ti­ci­pa­tion in rela­tion to the events taking place both con­vey the illu­sion of an authen­tic and almost docu­men­tary glance at a youth cul­ture cha­rac­te­ri­zed by fun and care­free sexua­lity. Typi­cal of Wosinska’s pic­to­rial rea­lity, which its­elf pos­tu­la­tes a mate­rial and aes­the­tic sense of self-fulfillment through the indi­vi­dual and the com­mu­nity, is the for­mal dis­tan­cing from the viewer’s expe­ri­ence. This is car­ried out prin­ci­pally through a post-production app­li­ca­tion of a “Vin­tage Style” that lends its­elf to the motifs of an his­to­ri­ci­zed, cine­ma­to­gra­phic pre­sen­ta­tion remi­nis­cent of the 1950s. Through this pro­cess, which also occurs in her com­mer­cial pho­to­gra­phy depic­ting par­ti­cu­lar brands, Wos­inska evo­kes to the viewer a positively-connoted, yet poin­tedly melan­ch­oly per­cep­tion of an image’s con­t­ents. The same is true for the pho­to­graphs that have sprung up outs­ide of the com­mis­sio­ned works and mostly docu­ment expe­ri­en­ces wit­hin Wosinska’s cir­cle of fri­ends. What beco­mes clear in com­pa­ri­son is that the motifs and imagery seen in her per­so­nal pro­jects can hardly be dif­fe­ren­tia­ted from those in her com­mer­cial work. As it turns out, Mag­da­lena Wosinska’s (pho­to­gra­phic) art and life are two sides of the same coin. It is pre­ci­sely the ove­r­u­sed buz­zwords “Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’Roll” that para­phrase the hip­pie generation’s emo­tio­nal state and that the artist embo­dies. This we also find in her photographs—not as a super­fi­cial attitude—but as an authen­tic reflec­tion of her lifestyle.

Cur­ri­cu­lum Vitae
1983 born in Kato­wice near Kra­kow, Poland
1991 Relo­ca­tion with her family to Tempe, Ari­zona, USA
2004 Move to Los Ange­les, Cali­for­nia, USA
2004–2009 Photo assis­tance
2009– Free­lance adver­ti­sing pho­to­gra­pher and own photo projects
Mag­da­lena Wos­inska lives and works in High­land Park, Los Ange­les, California
Exhi­bi­ti­ons – Selec­tion (S = Solo show, G = Group exhibition)
2015 LA Woman” (G), Oak­ley — In Resi­dence, Los Angeles
“The Expe­ri­ence Vol. 1” (S), Web­ber Gal­lery Space, Lon­don, UK
“The Expe­ri­ence Vol. 1” (S), Dilet­tante Gal­lery, Los Angeles
2012 Green & Wood Record Release (G), Good­Form Salon, Los Angeles
2011 Garage Sale Pro­ject (G), San Francisco
2010 “Expo­sed” (S), THIS Gal­lery, Los Angeles
Biblio­gra­phy – Selection
2015 „Spring Photo Books Guide“, (2015/3)
Kat Her­ri­man: “Mag­da­lena Wos­inska Goes Buck Wild”, (2015/2/12)
“Nature and Nudity: Mag­da­lena Wosinska’s Tim­e­l­ess Volume”, (2015/2/10)
Ashl­eigh Kane: “Going glo­bal in the nude”, (2015/2)
Alexa James Tay­lor: “Epic expe­ri­en­ces here: Los Ange­les pho­to­gra­pher Magda Wos­inska laun­ches her new pho­to­book this week”, (2015/2)
Anneli Botz: “ARTIST WATCH: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2015/2/13)
UO Hap­pe­nings: Mag­da­lena Wosinksa Book Launch”, (2015/2)
“Nature and Nudity: Mag­da­lena Wosinska’s Tim­e­l­ess Volume”, (2015/02/10)
“The Expe­ri­ence: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2015/02/03)
“Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2015)
2014 “My View: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2014/10/30)
“Mag­da­lena Wos­inska: 24 hours”, (2014/9/22)
Alex­andre Sti­pa­no­vich: “In Pro­file: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2014/08/26)
Julia Ashwood: „Vista Fri­ends – Mag­da­lena Wos­inska. This woman is a war­rior”, (2014/8/13)
Dan Hyman: “The Women We Love of Ins­ta­gram: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2014/5/14)
“Rei­se­fo­to­gra­fie von Mag­da­lena Wos­inska“, (2014/4/25)
Mag­da­lena Wos­inska: “What I have to say: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2014/4/23)
James Cart­w­right: “Pho­to­gra­phy: Mag­da­lena Wosinska’s stun­ning tra­vel pho­tos con­vey a sense of end­less sum­mer”, (2014/4/17)
“Wild At Heart – Urban Out­fit­ters Kam­pa­gne von Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2014/4/15)
“Port­fo­lio: Magda Wos­inska Pho­to­gra­phy from the YOUTH Issue”, (2014/03/11)
Tany­sha Bol­ger: “Inter­view – Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2014/1/19)
2013 Melia Ray­ner: “Mag­da­lena Wosinska’s Raw Cali­for­nia (NSFW)”, (2013/10/30)
“9 Ques­ti­ons with: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”. (2013/9/13)
Drea Sobie­ski: “Young Blood: Mag­da­lena Wos­inska Pho­to­gra­pher”, (2013/2/20)
2012 “The Land of Ice and Fire” (2012/9/26), “Mid­sum­mer Mon­tana Daze” (2012/10/29), “Kings Can­yon” (2012/12/16), “A Swe­dish Kiss” (2013/5/30), “Afri­can Wind” (2013/6/20),
“Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2012/12/19)
Moray Mair: “Mag­da­lena Wosinska’s Pho­to­graphs Of Her Ame­rica Are Full Of Reck­less Aban­don”, (2012/11/23)
Mag­da­lena Wos­inska: “Exclu­sive: Graveyard’s Real Sum­mer Of Love”, (2012/11/13)
“Live from Iceland’s Black Metal Ass­hole”, (2012/9/20)
“Pho­to­gra­phy By Mag­da­lena Wos­inska“, (2012/9/9)
“Major Crush: pho­tos by Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2012/7/16)
Aiya Ono: “Mag­da­lena Wos­inska. This grass is elec­tric”, (2012/5/30)
Diane Han­son: “The New Ero­tic Pho­to­gra­phy Vol. 2”, Colo­gne 2012
“Pho­to­gra­phy: Three Girls, One Space“, (2012/5/15)
„Mag­da­lena Wos­inska – Inter­view”, (2012/3/8)
“Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2012/2/1)
2011 “Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2011/12/15)
Yopa­nic: „Mag­da­lena Wos­inska: Street Style aus Kali­for­nien“, (2011/11/16)
“Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2011/9/30)
“The Mag­da­lena Wos­inska Port­fo­lio Crea­tes a Lon­ging for Cali-Love”, (2011/7/13)
“Mag­da­lenda Wosinksa Effort­lessly Chan­nels Cali-Cool“, (2011/6/8)
“The Pho­to­gra­phy of Magda Wos­inska“, (2011/4/19)
2010 “Mag­da­lena Wos­inska”, (2010/8/9)
Chris Lus­her: „Mag­da­lena Wos­inska Inter­view“, with a link to (2010/8/9)
Per­so­nal publications
2015 The Expe­ri­ence Vol. 1, self publishing
2012 This Grass Is Elec­tric, self publishing
2010 Bite It You Scum, self publishing
Photo reprints – Selection
Ame­ri­can Vogue, Ano­ther Man, Ari­ti­zia, Bul­let, Com­plex, C Maga­zine, Color, Cream, Comune/Drop City, Dazed & Con­fu­sed, Du Monde, Foam, Flaunt, French Vogue, Gui­tar World, Hero, Inked, Jux­t­a­pose, LA Can­vas, Lamono, Le aga­zine, Mons­ter Cild­ren, NO, Nylon, Radar, Self Tit­led, Spa­nish Vogue, Spin, Tras­her, Twin, Untit­led, Vice, Visio­naire, Was­te­land, The Wild Mag, Wired
Adver­ti­sing – Selection
Adi­das, AIA, A.N.D., Apple, Arit­zia, Baby G.,, Casio, Cheap Mon­day, Con­verse, Cover Girl, Current/Elliot, Dekine, Dell, Ele­ment, Elkin, Gene­tic, House, Hush Pup­pies, Inter­mix, J-Brand, Laer, Lee, Joie, Miley Cyrus, Mr. Por­ter, New Castle, Ray Ban, RVCA, Sil­ver Jeans Co., Sole­struck, Sony, Stance, Steve Mad­den, Soth Africa Tou­rism Board, Tar­get, The End, Urban Out­fit­ters, Wood­ford Bourbon

Mag­da­lena Wosinska

still-35Mag­da­lena cap­tures a you­th­ful energy, spon­ta­n­eity and authen­tic sense of fun. She shoots all the time, car­ry­ing a camera on her shoul­der and pre­fer­ring to be part of the moment, pla­c­ing her lens in the middle of it all.
Her early per­so­nal work, in which Mag­da­lena docu­men­ted the lives of her fri­ends emer­ging from the skate and metal music sce­nes, reve­als her wil­ling­ness to chal­lenge accep­ted norms for a female pho­to­gra­pher. Her matu­ring style trans­fers this edge and vibrancy to her com­mer­cial and edi­to­rial work. Magdalena’s tough yet sunny Cali­for­nia aes­the­tic encap­su­la­tes a mood of end­less sum­mers. She uses ambi­ent light and an unclut­te­red approach, crea­ting images that retain the truth and raw­ness of impul­sive snapshots.”