
A native of Cala­bria, artist Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo (born 1986), has worked as a pho­to­gra­pher since he was fif­teen years old. While at Rome’s Uni­ver­sity La Sapi­enza years later, he com­bi­ned Archi­tec­tu­ral Stu­dies with Pho­to­gra­phy and Con­tem­porary Art to earn a degree in Gra­phic and Mul­ti­me­dia Design. Wit­hin this same year, his photo pro­ject, “I Stay Here,” which deals with the emi­gra­tion of youth from sou­thern Italy, was on view in an exhi­bi­tion for the first time. In 2011 his series, “New Facade,” crea­ted a sen­sa­tion by beco­m­ing the basis of a fea­ture film. Howe­ver, his inter­na­tio­nal bre­ak­th­rough came in 2012 with a René Magritte-inspired series, “Levi­ta­tion.” As Mag­ritte was depen­dent on paint and can­vas to phy­si­cally por­tray a visual idea, Lo Schiavo trans­fer­red his visual ideas via see­min­gly life-like pho­to­gra­phy directly in the ima­gi­na­tion of the viewer, repla­c­ing Magritte’s obvious arti­fi­cia­lity of pain­ting with a strai­ght­for­ward depic­tion for the ima­gi­na­tion. It is only con­sis­tent that the Par­thenon, the Colos­seum, the Eif­fel Tower or the Taj Mahal appear on floa­ting rocks. For Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo, these images depict “not the actual rea­lity but they illus­trate a ‘uni­verse’ made of thoughts, the free­dom of ima­gi­nary poten­tia­lity of the unconscious­ness to ‘levi­tate’ and achieve cogni­tive levels that sur­pass rea­lity”.
On the other hand, his latest series, “Ad Vivum,” ties to the history of art, namely Dutch por­trai­ture of the 15th cen­tury. The color and imagery con­trasts, howe­ver, are inten­sely under­played. Wit­hin the clas­sic por­traits of female sit­ters in non­de­script loca­ti­ons, there lies res­trai­ned emo­tion. This emo­tion is set up as an inter­ac­tion bet­ween the expres­siv­en­ess of the model, the artist’s sen­si­tively orches­tra­ted visual con­cept, and the emo­tio­nal com­pre­hen­sion of the viewer, who also attempts to cal­cu­late the pre­vai­ling theme.
The term “ad Vivum” (Latin for “mode­led after nature”), is used to describe por­trai­ture of the 15th and 16th cen­tu­ries and pos­tu­late the grea­test pos­si­ble liken­ess of the image when com­pa­red to the sit­ter. The­re­fore, this main­tains a recipro­cal level of mea­ning, because the pho­to­graphs show models whose fair com­ple­xion and sta­tu­es­que poses do not sug­gest natu­ral essence. The pho­to­graph and image seem mutually exclu­ded; and the tra­di­tio­nal notion of liken­ess is under­mined.
Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo’s pho­to­graphs have been seen on view in inter­na­tio­nal venues, such as London’s Saatchi Gal­lery, Istanbul’s Mixer Art Gal­lery, and the 2013 Expo­sure Awards 4th Annual Pho­to­gra­phy Com­pe­ti­tion at the Aper­ture Gal­lery in New York.

Cur­ri­cu­lum Vitae
1986 Born in Vibo Valen­tia, Cala­bria, Italy
2004–2009 Stu­dies in archi­tec­ture, La Sapi­enza Uni­ver­sity, Rome; degree
2010 Course for 3D Digi­tal Pro­duc­tion, Rain­bow Digi­tal Enter­tain­ment Aca­demy, Rome
Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo lives and works in London
Exhi­bi­ti­ons (S = Solo show, G = Group exhibition)
2016 STROKE” (G), Ingo Seu­fert Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Pra­ter island, Munich, Germany
“Rettro­s­pet­tiva. Deconstruc­ting Pho­to­gra­phy” (S), VIO­life, Luxembourg
2015 “Il blu nell’arte da Yves Klein à Jan Fabre” (G), MACA Museum, Cosenza, Italy
“Do you like flowers?” (G), Burning Giraffe Art Gal­lery, Turin, Italy
2014 “Beyond Rea­lity, Beyond Pho­to­gra­phy” (S), Ingo Seu­fert Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Munich, Germany
“Beyond Rea­lity, Beyond Pho­to­gra­phy” (S), Burning Giraffe Art Gal­lery, Turino, Italy
“Con­tem­porary Istan­bul” (G), Mixer Gal­lery, Istan­bul Con­gress Cen­ter & Istan­bul Con­ven­tion and Exhi­bi­tion Cen­ter (ICEC), Istan­bul, Turkey
“Para­tis­sima” (G), Torino Espo­si­zioni, Turino, Italy
“Afforda­bel Art Fair” (G), Super­stu­dio Più, Milano, Italy
“Impos­si­ble Struc­tures” (G), Karte Art Gal­lery, Istan­bul, Turkey
“Por­trait Salon” (G), Fuse Art Space, Brad­ford, UK
2013 “Por­trait Salon” (G), Four Cor­ners, Lon­don; White Cloth Gal­lery, Leeds; Stills Gal­lery, Edin­burgh; Hotel Peli­rocco, Brigh­ton, UK
“The Expo­sure Award Exhi­bi­tion” (G), Aper­ture Foun­da­tion Gal­lery, New York, Unites States
“The Gap”, Mixer­Art, Istan­bul, Turkey
“Show Your Art at Saatchi Gal­lery” (G), Saatchi Gal­lery, Lon­don, United Kingdom
„Foto­gra­fia Euro­pea“ (G), 2Photo, Ate­liers Via­Du­e­Gob­biTre, Reg­gio Emi­lia, Italy
2012 “Crea­tivi Under30” (G), Asso­cia­zione Grosse­tana Arti Figu­ra­tive, Grosseto, Italy
“Young at Artis­sima” (G), Gal­le­ria Clau­dio Bot­tello Con­tem­porary, Turin, Italy
“Young at Art, I Stay here” (G), Imbi­an­che­ria del Vajro, Chieri, Italy
“Aspet­tando la bien­nale” (G), Col­leg­gio San’Adriano, Turin, Italy
“Arte ispi­rata ad Hans Rich­ter” (G), Museo d’Arte Con­tem­pora­nea di Acri, Cosenza, Italy
“Young at Art” (G), Museo d’Arte Con­tem­pora­nea di Acri, Cosenza, Italy
2009 “I Stay Here” (S), Museo di Mare, Pizzo Cala­bro, Italy
Pri­zes and Scholarships
2013 Spe­cial selec­tion, The Expo­sure Award Exhi­bi­tion 2013, contest
Jury Award, Foto­gra­fia Euro­pea 2013, 2Photo contest
2012 Young at Art Award 2012, Museo Arte Con­tem­pora­nea Acri
Spe­cial Selec­tion, Com­bat prize 2012
Biblio­gra­phy – Selection
2016 Roberto Sot­tile: “Foto­gra­fia — Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo — Pro­ser­pina, natura morta con­tem­pora­nea”, (3/20/2016)
Sophia Fran­cis: “Cap­tu­ring ‘Wind Sculp­tures’. Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo’s Pho­to­gra­phy”, (12/13/2015)
Anto­nio Sergi: “Il genio di Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo rac­con­tato dal cri­tico d’arte Roberto Sot­tile”, (11/6/2015)
“‘Wind Sculp­tures’ by Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo, cap­tu­ring nature”, (10/8/2015)
“Rac­con­taci la tua sto­ria: Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo”, (9/14/2015)
2015 „Erfin­de­ri­sche Foto­gra­fie: Giu­seppe Lo Schia­vos fan­tas­ti­sche Kunst“,, auch,,, (6/28/2015)
Andrea Rodi: „Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo“,, auch Prin­t­aus­gabe (5/14/2015)
“Wind Sculp­tures by Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo”, (1/31/2015)
2014 Mat­teo Tam­bor­rino: “‘Beyond rea­lity. Beyond pho­to­gra­phy’ con Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo”, (10/7/2014)
„Yor­gos Arafai­li­dis: Par­lando con Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo“, (4/8/2014)
2013 “Lo Schiavo: un artista ita­liano a Istan­bul”, (11/17/2013)
Alber­tina Coacci: “Ceci n’est pas un rocher. Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo”, in: Famo 2 (2013) S. 10–15; auch:„Yorgos Arafai­li­dis: Par­lando con Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo“, (7/28/2013)
Andrea Luche­roni: “Ad Vivum – In ante­prima per WSF, Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo”, (6/24/2013)
Cata­lo­gue „Pre­mio Nazio­nale di Pit­tura e Foto­gra­fia B. Cas­cella. LVII Edi­zione 2013, Lan­ciano 2013, pp. 37–38
Cata­lo­gue “Young at art. Home is where the art is”, Museo Arte Con­tem­pora­nea Acri, ed. by Mas­simo Garo­falo uand Andrea Rodi, Acri 2013, pp. 16–21
Ila­ria Sgan­zerla: “Young at Art: le visioni reali di Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo”, (4/18/2013)
Maude Chur­chill: “Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo’s ‘Levi­ta­tion’ Series”, (3/25/2013)
“Levi­ta­tion Series”, (3/24/2013)
“Levi­ta­ti­ons Series”, (3/24/2013)
“Levi­ta­tion Series”, (3/23/2013)
Ben­ja­min Starr: “Famous Buil­dings Floa­ting on Rocky Pla­nets”, (3/22/2013)
“Фотопроект “Левитация” от Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo: достопримечательности, парящие над океаном”, (3/22/2013)
Simal Yil­maz: “Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo Crea­tes Sur­real Worlds Out of Wordly Monu­ments”, (3/21/2013)
Pinar: “World Land­marks Levi­tate on Boul­ders Over the Ocean”, (3/20/2013)
“Levi­ta­tion: Pho­tos by Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo”, (3/2013)
“’Levi­ta­tion’ by Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo“, (3/2013)
2012 Andrea Luche­roni: “I Stay Here – Io resto qui”, (8/24/2012)
Cata­lo­gue “Pre­mio Com­bat 2012 Prize”, ed. by Paolo Batoni, Livorno 2012, p. 85
Cata­lo­gue “Young at art. I stay here”, Museo Arte Con­tem­pora­nea Acri, ed. by Mas­simo Garo­falo and Andrea Rodi, Acri 2012, pp. 12–14
“Dalla Cala­bria con furore”, (4/17/2012)

Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo

GLoSchiavo09 with credits

Before I take a pic­ture I have in me a vision that is not rea­lity but a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of my sub­conscious. I am the mind and my camera is the arm of a pain­ter, before that of a pho­to­gra­pher, ready to trans­fer ever­y­thing I ima­gine inside the camera and then inside the prin­ted paper. My pas­sion for pain­ting , intense as the repro­duc­tion of the rea­lity, made me stray away from a cano­ni­cal vision of pho­to­gra­phy and hel­ped me actua­lize pro­jects that sur­pas­sed the camera. Art for me is this con­ti­nuous tran­sit of the object bet­ween my sub­conscious and the object’s mani­fes­ta­tion which is the pho­to­gra­phy. The cru­cial phase of this crea­tive pro­cess is the print , the moment of the hig­hest ten­sion. I believe the final objec­tive of my works is the prin­ted paper; in the atten­tion of the selec­tion of the print tech­ni­ques that I had alre­ady ima­gi­ned, I re-experience the ‘shoo­ting’. Only when the last pixel is prin­ted on the ‘can­vas’ I can tell ‘I HAVE SEEN’.” (Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo)