
In 2010 trai­ned archi­tect Tadao Cern (born 1983) from Vil­nius, Lithua­nia chose to turn his pas­sion for artistic pho­to­gra­phy into his pro­fes­sion. He first found inter­na­tio­nal acclaim in 2012 with his series “Blow Job” whose sit­ters’ facial fea­tures are bizar­rely dis­tor­ted through the use of a force­ful air cur­rent. His sub­se­quent pro­ject, “Revea­ling the Truth” con­sists of a digi­tal revi­sion of two icons from art history: While Leo­nardo di Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” lea­ves its ori­gi­nal frame and pres­ents its­elf to the viewer in an unfa­mi­liar mate­ria­lity, Vin­cent van Gogh, as seen in his self-portrait from 1889 that hangs in Paris’ Musée d’Orsay, con­fronts the viewer as a real, live human being with a pier­cing stare. The irre­sis­ti­ble effect of this digi­tal reconstruc­tion attrac­ted the atten­tion of major insti­tu­ti­ons such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Van Gogh Museum in Ams­ter­dam, and the Saatchi Gal­lery in Lon­don.
Howe­ver, this posi­tive response was sur­pas­sed by the glo­bal suc­cess of “Com­fort Zone” crea­ted in 2013. With this series, the Lithua­nian pho­to­gra­pher Tadao Cern (born 1983) has docu­men­ted the beach as a place where the pre­vai­ling con­cept of beauty and the other­wise fier­cely guar­ded sense of pri­vacy are both irre­le­vant. In con­trast to other realms of public space, which are sub­ject to inces­sant social con­trols, it seems all of these fac­tors and norms are thrown out when one is at the beach. Dozing sun­ba­thers, initi­ally pho­to­gra­phed wit­hout their know­ledge, have con­struc­ted a her­me­tic micro­cosm atop their color­ful beach towels that makes their phy­si­cal pre­sence unas­sail­able. The range of beach­wear fashions and the selec­ted access­ories, the con­tor­ti­ons of the slee­pers’ bodies, as well as the dif­fe­ren­ces of their phy­si­cal appearan­ces come toge­ther as still-life arran­ge­ments cau­sing an aes­the­tic ele­va­tion of the beach and its tem­porary inha­bi­tants. The mundane and the uni­que, the ordi­nary and the art­ful, the sub­lime and the (unin­ten­tio­nally) comi­cal melt into a fasci­na­ting dia­gram of human life­styles and variety.
In addi­tion to his pho­to­gra­phy, Tadao Cern devo­tes him­self to expe­ri­men­tal tech­ni­ques in pain­ting (the series “Chro­ma­tic Aber­ra­tion”) and all-encompassing instal­la­ti­ons (“Black Balloons”).

Cur­ri­cu­lum Vitae
1983 born Tadas Čer­ni­aus­kas in Siau­liai, Lithuania
2002–2009 stu­dies of archi­tec­ture at Gedi­mi­nas Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity, Vil­nius; bachelor’s and master’s degree
2007–2009 working as an archi­tect in an archi­tec­tu­ral office in Vilnius
2009–2010 working as self employed architect
2010– free­lance artist
Tadao Cern lives and works in Vil­nius, Lithuania.
Exhi­bi­ti­ons (S = Solo show, G = Group exhibition)
2015 “Tadao Cern: Com­fort Zone” (S), Digi­ta­li­seum Gal­lery of Con­tem­porary Digi­tal Art, Malmö, Sweden
“Heat” (G): ‘Com­fort Zone’, SF Came­ra­work Gal­lery, San Fran­cisco, US
“Tadao Cern: Com­fort Zone & Pain­to­gra­phy” (E), nhow gal­lery, Berlin
2014 “Tadao Cern: Com­fort Zone” (S), Ingo Seu­fert Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Munich
“Fes­ti­val d’arts visu­els Images” (G): ‘Com­fort Zone’, Vevey, Switzerland
“Con­ti­nen­tal Shift” (G): ‘Revea­ling The Truth — Van Gogh’, Saatchi Gal­lery, Lon­don, UK
2013 “Fes­ti­val les Boréa­les” (G): ‘Blow Job’, Caen, France
“Photo Roma­nia Fes­ti­val” (G): ‘Blow Job’, Cluj, Roumania
“Inter­na­tio­nal Media Arts and Music Fes­ti­val ‘Cen­tras’” (G): ‘Pain­to­gra­phy’, Kau­nas, Lithuania
2012 “Kau­nas Photo. Fotomeno fes­ti­va­lis” (G): ‘Blow Job’, Kau­nas, Lithuania
2010 “New York Faces” (S), UAB Teatro Arena, Vil­nius, Lithuania
Pri­zes & Awards
2016 ‘Com­fort Zone’: 4th place at “All About Photo” awards
2015 ‘Com­fort Zone’: Bronze at “The Society’s 158th Inter­na­tio­nal Print Exhi­bi­tion” by “The Royal Pho­to­gra­phic Society”
‘Com­fort Zone’: “Emer­ging Talents 2015” by “Lens Culture”
‘Com­fort Zone’: 1st Prize in “Fine Art Pho­to­gra­phy Awards”
2015 “the per­fect blow job. Art of Tadao Cern”, (10/20/2015)
Olga de Fru­tos: “Zona de com­fort”, (8/12/2015)
kawi kaien: “Sfo­to­gra­fo­wał plażo­wiczów w natu­ralnych pozach. „Leżąc na pia­sku zapo­mi­n­amy o wszystkim”, (6/11/2015)
“Com­fort Zone: Pho­to­gra­pher Tadao Cern cap­tures sun­ba­thers unawa­res on a Bal­kan beach”, (6/11/2015)
“Tadao Cern: Com­fort Zone”, (5/17/2015)
Ellen Scott: “‘Com­fort Zone’ photo series ham­mers home that EVERY body is ‘beach body ready’”, (5/2/2015)
Rachel Moss: “Photo Pro­ject Of Real People At The Sea­side Pro­ves All Bodies Are ‘Beach Body Ready’”, (5/1/2015)
Lynzy Bil­ling: “13 Pho­tos That Prove You Can Be Any Size Or Shape To Be Beach Body Ready”, (4/29/2015)
Ruth Schnee­ber­ger: “So sehen echte Men­schen aus”, (4/21/2015)
Dovy­das Kiau­lai­kis: “Let­ting it all hang out”, in: bal­tic out­look 4 (2015) p. 46, also: (4/2015)
“Revea­ling the Truth – Ama­zing Van Gogh photo reconstruc­tion by Tadao Cern”, (3/15/2015)
“Eva Vuil­le­min & Tadao Cern | Radio Arty”, (2/3/2015)
Daniel Mil­ler „In their com­fort zone! Weird and won­der­ful pho­tos cele­brate how blissful sun­ba­thers for­get body hang-ups on the beach”, (1/27/2015)
Tadao Cern: “Com­fort Zone: Sun­ba­thers In All Their Glory”, (1/2015)
2014 Peter Schuf­fe­len: “Making of ‘Com­fort Zone’: Homo Stran­dien­sis”, (7/2014)
“Fun Por­traits of Unaware Lithua­nian Beach-Goers – On the Beach Week”, (6/23/2014)
Frie­de­rike Krü­ger: „Gestran­det“, (3/27/2014)
EK Inter­view: Tadao Cern”, (1/31/2014)
Sabine Danek: „Por­trät: Tadao Cern“, (1/17/2014)
Vasi­lis Lagios: „The Com­fort Zone Photo Pro­ject by Tadao Cern“, (2014)
2013 „Ent­spannt am Strand: Scho­nungs­lose Por­träts“, (12/10/2013)
San­dra Dani­cke: “Nur die Sonne war Zeuge”, (11/28/2013)
„Tadao Cern’s Com­fort Zone“, (11/27/2013)
Jené Gutier­rez: “Tadao Cern’s Pho­to­graphs Of Sun­ba­thers (And Their Lack Of Inhi­bi­ti­ons)”, (11/20/2013)
Lex van den Berghe: “Tadao Cern’s Pho­to­gra­phy Blows … And the Pic­tures are Great”, and (3/21/2013)
“Tadao Cern: Revea­ling The Truth – Mona Lisa”, (3/8/2013)
“Van Gogh Self-Portrait: Tadao Cern Gives The Artist A Con­tem­porary Face­lift”, (1/15/2013)
“What Van Gogh’s Famous Self-Portrait Looks Like as a Pho­to­graph”, (1/10/2013)
2012 Han­nah Booth: “Big pic­ture: Blow Job, by Tadao Cern”, (5/25/2012)
Noemi de la Torre: „Tadao Cern’s Art Will Blow You Away”, (5/17/2012)
Adver­ti­sing Campaigns
BMW, Samsung, NewYor­ker, Chupa Chups, Men­tos, Claro, Münch­ner Volkstheater

Tadao Cern

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I spend every sin­gle day in my stu­dio and my crea­tive pro­cess is more simi­lar to play­ing. Ever­y­thing that I create comes out of curio­sity. The same rule is applied no mat­ter what media I’m using: pho­to­gra­phy, pain­ting or sculp­ture. Since I com­ing from the back­ground of archi­tec­ture, I’m focu­sing not only on the ideas of my work, but also onto the exe­cu­tion of them. I want my work to be flaw­less and as sim­ple as pos­si­ble.“ (Tadao Cern, 2016)