
Jazz­Bal­lade“ by Vin­zenz Löff­ler and Sebas­tian Flecker

Munich 2019. 112 pp. 21,5 x 21,6 cm

Price: 30,00 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

5,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 8,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Cata­log „The Art of Trans­for­ma­tion“ by Alexa Meade

BASF Schwarz­heide 2018. 102 pp. 27 x 21 cm

Price: 26,99 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



hIDe behind your own ID“ by Josef Karl

Books on Demand, Nor­der­stedt 2014. 108 pp. 25 x 25 cm

Price: 29,99 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Beauty Con­ser­va­tions“ by Josef Karl

Books on Demand, Nor­der­stedt 2012. 64 pp. 19,5 x 27,5 cm

Price: 29,95 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Exhib­tion pos­ter „Living Colors“ for Alexa Meade

Pos­ter for the exhi­bi­tion of Alexa Meade at VIO­life in Luxem­bourg, 27 Sep­tem­ber 2015 – 21 Janu­ary 2016. Size DIN A1.

Price: 10,00 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (fol­ded, Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (fol­ded, for­eign coun­tries), or 10,00 € + 5,00 € ship­ping costs (rol­led, Ger­many) or + 19,00 € ship­ping costs (rol­led, coun­tries wit­hin the EU; ship­ping costs for all other coun­tries depend on the desti­na­ti­ons). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



At 8 pm at the Ron­dell … Sandro’s Last Way“ by Sebas­tian Weise

weise druck­sa­chen, Son­ders­hau­sen 2013. 52 pp. Edi­tion of 150 num­be­red. 15 x 15 cm.

Price: 15,00 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Aes­the­tics of Sur­ren­der“ by Sebas­tian Weise

mit­tel­deut­scher ver­lag, Halle (Saale) 2012. 96 pp. 24,5 x 23 cm.

Price: 20,00 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Incon­spi­cuous Loca­ti­ons“ by Ste­fan Schumacher

Self-publishing, Munich 2013. 84 pp. 19,5 x 14 cm.

Price: 18,00 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Sen­sua­lity Beauty Light“ by Die­mut von Funck

Self-publishing, Munich 2012. 12 pp. 14,5 x 21 cm.

For free (plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Artist book „The Expe­ri­ence Vol. 1“ by Mag­da­lena Wosinska

Photo book with full-page illus­tra­ti­ons from the „nudes“ series. Lec­to­ris, Eind­ho­ven 2014. 96 pp, 1 supp­le­ment, fold out cover. 17 x 24 cm.

Pirce: 75,00 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

5,00 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 8,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Beyond Rea­lity Beyond Pho­to­gra­phy“ by Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo

Cata­log for the exhi­bi­ti­ons in Turin, 25 Sep­tem­ber — 10 Novem­ber 2014, and Munich, 11 Decem­ber 2014 — 20 Janu­ary 2015. In col­la­bo­ra­tion with the Burning Giraffe Art Gal­lery, Turin. Texts by Andrea Rodi and Ingo Seu­fert. Prinp Edi­tore, Turin 2014. 36 pp. 20 x 25 cm.

Price: 11,90 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

3,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 6,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Sur­faces & Depths“ by Alexa Meade

Cata­log for the exhi­bi­tion in Munich 12 June — 29 July 2014. Text by Alexa Meade and Ingo Seu­fert. Self-publishing, Munich 2014. 16 pp. 21 x 21 cm.

Price: 4,95 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

2,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 4,00 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.



Artist post­card no. 1 – “Lon­ging & Belon­ging” by Ina Otzko

Inte­ri­ors 313/13” by Ina Otzko, edi­tion of 150. Verso signed and num­be­red by hand. 18 x 13 cm.

Price: 10,00 € (incl. VAT plus shipping)

1,50 € ship­ping costs (Ger­many) or + 2,50 € ship­ping costs (for­eign coun­tries). For mul­ti­ple orders, you only pay the most expen­sive ship­ping unit price.

If inte­res­ted, please con­tact us.


Exhi­bi­tion venue

Ingo Seu­fert
Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy
Schleiss­hei­mer Strasse 44
80333 Munich
Phone/Fax +49 89 46135756
Mobile +49 151 21934424
Email info@ingoseufert.com

Opening hours

Tue – Fr 2 – 7 pm
Sa 11 – 3 pm

or by appointment