
Kor­bi­nian Vogt (born 1995) from Munich is one of the most remar­ka­ble figu­res in young Ger­man pho­to­gra­phy. Com­ple­tely unim­pres­sed by the fact that the female nude in land­scape no lon­ger played a role in pho­to­gra­phy from the 1960s onwards, as it was the epi­tome kitsch, flir­ting with fascism and reflec­ting a tra­di­tio­nal role beha­vior, Vogt devo­tes to this topic, but wit­hout any socio-cultural imp­li­ca­tion: only the ele­ments of nature feel har­mo­nious to him, the absorp­tion of the naked body in them goes wit­hout say­ing for Kor­bi­nian Vogt, as well as deli­be­rate com­po­si­ti­ons that cap­ture the aes­the­tics of the spe­cial moment. Toge­ther with his female models, he hikes through the care­fully selec­ted, mostly Nor­dic loca­ti­ons and then pho­to­graphs them as nudes in front of brea­thta­king moun­tain back­drops or in inhos­pi­ta­ble ice land­scapes.
The urgent ine­vi­ta­bi­lity of this motif makes it clear that it‘s ulti­mately viru­lent inner images that the artist visua­li­zes. That aes­the­ti­cally exag­ge­ra­ted truth of rep­re­sen­ta­tion lends his pho­to­gra­phic works a magic beyond authen­ti­city that the viewer can­not escape, they “brace them­sel­ves against being lost and the­reby open up a visual level full of little mira­cles. His mira­cles — bet­ween soli­lo­quy and tales ”(Olaf Unverzart).

Cur­ri­cu­lum Vitae
1995 born in Munich. His par­ents work in the film industry
2011–2014 camera assis­tant to Rudolf Gilk, Baye­ri­scher Rundfunk
2014– his first own photo projects
2014–2015 photo assis­tant to Olaf Unverz­art, Munich
Kor­bi­nian Vogt lives and works in Munich
Exhi­bi­ti­ons (G = Group show)
2019 “6 Voices” (G), Ingo Seu­fert — Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Munich
2018 ARTMUC art fair (G), Mün­chen; rep­re­sen­ted by Ingo Seu­fert – Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Munich
„Ero­tic Art Exhi­bi­tion“ (G),Copeland Gal­lery / Bus­sey Bil­dings, London
2017 „Photo Vogue Fes­ti­val“ (G), Base Milano, Milan, Italy
„A World of my Own“ (G), Ingo Seu­fert – Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Munich
„Sta­ging of the Female Body“ (G), Ingo Seu­fert – Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Munich
„vin­cent litt­le­hat . per­spec­tives“ (G), Ingo Seu­fert – Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy, Munich
2016 „Junge Kunst – Inter­na­tio­nal – Divers – Dis­kur­siv“ (G), Offe­nes Haus Ober­wart, Ober­wart, Austria
„Mün­chen am Rand“ (G), Far­ben­la­den, Fei­er­werk e. V., Munich
2015 „10 im Qua­drat“ (G), Far­ben­la­den, Fei­er­werk e. V., Munich
2021 Giulia Guido: „Kor­bi­nian Vogt, the con­nec­tion of human and nature“, (1/2020)
„Des­nu­dos femeni­nos en com­u­nión con la natu­ra­leza en las foto­grafías de Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (1/18/2021)
2020 Chris­tine Gug­gen­ber­ger: „A series about the con­nec­tion of human and nature“, (14.6.2020)
„Love: Adding to the Land­scape“, (6/10/2020)
„Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (5/20/2020)
2019 AIR Maga­zine, Issue I, Bar­ce­lona 2019, cover and pp. 45–62;
Pre­ci­pice Maga­zine, Issue I, New York 2019, cover;
„Kor­bi­nian Vogt – Green­land“, (7/2/2019)
2018 Anna-Elena Kne­rich: „Neu­land: Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (1/9/2018)
2017 THE OPÉRA Vol. VI, Ber­lin 2017
P MAGAZINE Nº5, San Pedro Garza Gar­cía 2017
„Nort­hern Beauty. Pho­to­gra­phy by Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (2017)
„Frost – Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (12/2017)
„Kor­bi­nian Vogt / Lofo­ten“, (3/1/2017)
Vale­rie Prä­kelt: „Jede Auf­nahme ein Etap­pen­sieg“, (1/15/17)
2016 Nico­las Simo­neau: „Nor­way by Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (10/30/16)
„Nude Art And Land­scape by Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (10/28/2016)
„Kor­bi­nian Vogt ‚Rene­wed Memo­ries‘“, (2016)
„Port­fo­lio Kor­bi­nian Vogt“,
2015 „Fra­gen über Fra­gen – Kor­bi­nian Vogt“, (5/12/2015)
Video fea­tures
2017 Video fea­ture about the artist for the TV maga­zine „Hei­matrau­schen“ („Home­land rust­ling“) of the Baye­ri­scher Rund­funk, 2017
2016 „Nar­ra­ted Mono­lo­gue“, Munich 2016

Kor­bi­nian Vogt

I came to nude pho­to­gra­phy, espe­cially in nature, because I per­so­nally feel that there are fewer and fewer land­scapes that are really untou­ched, and that people do not really per­ceive nature unless there‘s an ele­ment in it that they have seen before. For me, nudity is natu­ral. I think that espe­cially wit­hout clo­thes, people are really the per­son they are. You can’t hide behind your clo­thes. This is exactly some­thing that has to be shown somehow, the people them­sel­ves — wit­hout all these hide-and-seek games.“ (Inter­view in the video fea­ture for the TV maga­zine „Hei­matrau­schen“ [„Home­land rust­ling“] of the Baye­ri­scher Rund­funk, 2017)