

julia thal­ho­fer › possible.

Solo show of the Bava­rian artist with 14 prints and more than 100 ori­gi­nal Pola­ro­ids, mostly taken in cen­tral and sou­theas­tern Asia. There the Pola­ro­ids were expo­sed to an intense che­mi­cal trans­for­ma­tion pro­cess under the influ­ence of light, heat and extreme air humi­dity. Once in this pro­cess the respec­tive ideal sta­tes were reached, Thal­ho­fer fixed them by crea­ting a high reso­lu­tion scan file as basis for digi­tal prints.

22 Janu­ary – 28 March 2015

On 22 Janu­ary begin­ning at 7 p.m. all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist will be present.

 The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:

julia thal­ho­fer › possible.

Julia Thal­ho­fer (born 1987) from Inning am Ammer­see, Bava­ria, pre­fe­ra­bly seeks out loca­ti­ons that rep­re­sent the slowly-fading, tra­di­tio­nal Asian cul­ture. Rather than con­cen­tra­ting on well-known tou­rist attrac­tions, she finds com­ple­tely unspec­ta­cu­lar pla­ces and set­tings that still reflect an old, tran­quil life­style and ever­y­day cul­ture. Due in part to the ana­log nature of the tech­no­logy she uses, the resul­ting images com­ple­tely raise the con­scious­ness of the sub­jects, howe­ver the cha­rac­te­ristics of the Pola­roid pro­cess release the motifs from being an empi­ri­cal expe­ri­ence. Thus the pecu­liar color beha­vior, patchy blur­ri­ness, and the indif­fe­rent con­trasts move the image into the sphere of an impos­si­ble fan­tasy. This pro­vi­des an inter­pre­ta­tion of how ano­ther fan­tasy world could be truth­fully per­cei­ved as a trans­cen­dent alter­na­tive design demy­tho­lo­gi­zed by a digi­ti­zed presence.