


LIMINAL, a series con­sis­ting of 17 pho­to­gra­phic meta­mor­pho­ses, is the story of a world that des­troys its­elf while awa­ke­ning every one of our sen­ses. In this, the phy­si­cal dis­in­te­gra­tes, power­less in the face of a heavy exter­nal influ­en­ces and vio­lence. Using a che­mi­cal pho­to­gra­phic pro­cess in which the gela­tin on the paper deta­ches, shifts and reas­sem­bles, the artist inter­prets the dra­ma­tic and poe­tic meta­mor­pho­ses of sen­sual per­cep­tion in images.

13 June 2023 – 24 June 2023

On June 13 at 7 pm all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist is present.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


LIMINAL is a series con­sis­ting of 17 pho­to­gra­phic metamorphoses.

LIMINAL is the story of a world that des­troys its­elf while awa­ke­ning every one of our sen­ses. In this, the phy­si­cal dis­in­te­gra­tes, power­less in the face of a heavy exter­nal influ­en­ces and vio­lence. Using a che­mi­cal pho­to­gra­phic pro­cess in which the gela­tin on the paper deta­ches, shifts and reas­sem­bles, the artist inter­prets the dra­ma­tic and poe­tic meta­mor­pho­ses of sen­sual per­cep­tion in images. With this series, she wants to show that not­hing remains rigid: the pho­to­graph, which sui gene­ris is inten­ded to cap­ture and freeze a moment in life, beco­mes a sculp­ture, like a moving and infi­ni­tely chan­ge­able mat­ter. Every pic­ture tells this rea­lity, this truth. Using a che­mi­cal pro­cess based on the Mord­ançage tech­ni­que, she chal­len­ges the clas­sic codes of sil­ver pho­to­gra­phy. The com­po­si­tion and the con­trasts of the ori­gi­nal image direct her emo­ti­ons and gestu­res and instinc­tively deter­mine her deci­si­ons. Memo­ries emerge and feed the nar­ra­tive of an unfol­ding series. Like a poet who rela­tes words, sounds and rhythms to evoke images, she com­bi­nes lights, move­ments and con­trasts to sug­gest a new, sen­si­tive view of rea­lity. Faces dis­in­te­grate, bodies are per­fo­ra­ted, sil­hou­et­tes disap­pear and become trans­lu­cent and fra­gile. Through the use of light reflec­tions, she still gives the pic­ture a glim­mer of hope and brings opti­mism, inten­ding to evoke ambi­va­lent fee­lings and emo­ti­ons in one and the same image. This magi­cal balance is the artistic quest that gui­des her. LIMINAL con­veys the uni­ver­sal mes­sage that our secu­rity is decep­tive – that the truth belongs to no one. LIMINAL sees its­elf as a trig­ger to think about one’s own exis­tence and about the phi­lo­so­phy of life – occa­sio­nally accom­pa­nied by a wink.
Ingrid Dor­ner was born in the Auver­gne in 1980 and is Bre­ton by choice. Rather by chance, she emi­gra­ted to Munich. The stage was her first edu­ca­tion and pas­sion. This thea­tri­cal dimen­sion is reflec­ted in her pho­to­gra­phic work in a more or less visi­ble way. From the Roll­eif­lex to the Camera Obscura, she is no stran­ger to any photo taking method. The pos­si­bi­li­ties offe­red by her recourse to the tech­ni­ques of the early days of pho­to­gra­phy were the impulse for her pho­to­gra­phic work, later lea­ding to her phi­lo­so­phi­cal and poe­tic approach.
Ingrid Dorner’s pho­to­gra­phic work has been publis­hed in several cata­logs and maga­zi­nes such as Blind Maga­zine, Loo­sen­Art, Aeo­nian and Rûm. In 2018 she recei­ved a scho­lar­ship from the Alex­an­der Tut­sek Foun­da­tion for her pro­ject Ferdinand1777, several awards such as B. the Prize of the Fes­ti­val of Young Visual Artists in Saint-Raphaël in 2019 and this year the first prize of the Pas­se­par­tout Photo Prize in Rome and a selec­tion for the La Muta Prize at the Bien­nale di Seni­gal­lia.