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The Stu­dio exhi­bi­tion pres­ents nine photo por­traits of female models taken by Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo, Alexa Meade, Beto Ruiz Alonso, Mag­da­lena Wos­inska and Laura Zalenga.

30 June 2022 – 30 July 2022

On 30 June begin­ning at 6 pm all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gallery.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


The Stu­dio exhi­bi­tion pres­ents nine photo por­traits of female models taken by Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo, Alexa Meade, Beto Ruiz Alonso, Mag­da­lena Wos­inska, and Laura Zalenga.
Very dif­fe­rent modes of rep­re­sen­ta­tion are used accor­ding to the inten­ded image state­ment: the spec­trum ran­ges from play­ful, ero­tic, self-absorbed, melan­cho­lic, body-conscious, nar­ra­tive and threa­te­n­ing to the sta­ging of old mas­ter por­traits. At the same time, the pho­to­gra­phic works on dis­play reflect the nume­rous pos­si­bi­li­ties of today’s artistic por­trait pho­to­gra­phy, approa­ching the sub­ject of the female beyond a docu­men­tary por­trai­ture wit­hout fal­ling into ste­reo­ty­pes.