



Photo artist and social-media sen­sa­tion Laura Zalenga (b. 1990) from Biber­ach a. d. Riß, shows 22 works from all pha­ses of her work, with a spe­cial focus on the series “Fairy Tales” and “Mir­rors.” The exhi­bi­tion will be supp­le­men­ted by six new works by Munich pho­to­gra­pher Kor­bi­nian Vogt (b. 1995), which were recently taken before the uni­que natu­ral back­drop of Greenland.

21 Sep­tem­ber 2017 – 5 Janu­ary 2018

On 21 Sep­tem­ber begin­ning at 7 p.m. all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artists will be present.

 The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


Her pho­to­graphs are making a con­side­ra­ble con­tri­bu­tion to the image per­cep­tion of our time, and the great num­ber of fol­lo­wers she has on social media reflects that fact. The young pho­to­gra­pher Laura Zalenga (b. 1990) enjoys atten­tion and reco­gni­tion from all over the world, thanks to the explo­sive pro­li­fe­ra­tion of her pic­tures on various pho­to­blogs. Her cust­o­mers include com­pa­nies such as Luft­hansa, Mercedes-Benz and Sony. An auto­di­dact, she began expe­ri­men­ting with digi­tal pho­to­gra­phy in 2009, appearing in front of camera her­self in her own work from the begin­ning. With an inex­haus­ti­ble wealth of ideas, Zalenga chal­len­ges the con­cept of self and moves fre­ely bet­ween sta­tes of being, phy­si­cal chan­ges and inju­ries and spa­tial situa­ti­ons in an indi­vi­dual visual lan­guage which is given an addi­tio­nal atmo­s­phe­ric den­sity through digi­tal image pro­ces­sing. It is only through such digi­tal pro­ces­sing, in fact, that some motifs couldbe crea­ted in first place. Begui­ling pic­to­rial ideas thus arise, to which the cho­sen means, almost as a mat­ter of course, sub­ordi­nate them­sel­ves. Pure por­trait and self-portrait pho­to­graphs stand in con­trast to nar­ra­tive sta­gings in the great out­doors or in front of a mono­chrome gray wall. The often high-contrast sce­ne­ries, immer­sed in cold color­ful­ness, bring the image aes­the­tics of films by Tim Bur­ton to mind. It’s no coin­ci­dence that Laura Zalenga’s pic­tures now grace the covers of suc­cess­ful fan­tasy books and thea­ter pos­ters. This exhi­bi­tion pres­ents, for the first time, a selec­tion of 22 works taken from all of the crea­tive pha­ses of the artist, who now lives in Biber­bach an der Riß.
Six works by the well-known Munich pho­to­gra­pher Kor­bi­nian Vogt (b. 1995), who sta­ges the female nude in spec­ta­cu­lar land­scape set­tings, round the exhi­bi­tion out. The works, pre­sen­ted here for the first time a few weeks ago, are set before the brea­thta­king natu­ral sce­nery of Green­land