



The exhi­bi­tion offers an artistic view to a wide variety of yoga exer­ci­ses. The āsana as a “rhyth­mic form of sen­sa­tion” is the result of a crea­tive pro­cess, car­ried out by Heinz Grill and pho­to­gra­phed by Mar­tin Sin­zin­ger. The āsana beco­mes an aes­the­tic form, a sculp­ture, a crea­ted sen­sa­tion in which man is crea­tively engaged.

9 Octo­ber 2019 – 1 Novem­ber 2019

On 9 Octo­ber begin­ning at 7 p.m. all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist is present.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


The exhi­bi­tion „The beauty of move­ment. Rhyth­mic Sen­sa­ti­ons“ pro­vi­des an artistic view to various yoga exer­ci­ses. The āsana as a „rhyth­mic form of sen­sa­tion“ is the result of a crea­tive pro­cess. The āsana beco­mes an aes­the­tic form, a sculp­ture, a crea­ted sen­sa­tion in which man is crea­tively engaged.

A con­scious shaping of the move­ment, a rhyth­mic struc­ture and the empha­sis on the sen­sa­tion cha­rac­te­rize the exer­ci­ses. „A rhythm is always an expres­sion of a super­or­di­nate and men­tal power effect. A rhythm lives in the uni­verse and all move­ments of human exis­tence. All forms of con­scious­ness are built in the rhyth­mic inter­play of thoughts, fee­lings and voli­ti­ons. Rhythm is a world power and it should be given spe­cial con­side­ra­tion in prac­ticing yoga.“ (Heinz Grill, Die See­len­di­men­sion des Yoga)

A crea­ted men­tal idea is at the begin­ning, the result is the expe­ri­en­ced form. When thoughts and fee­lings are expres­sed in this artistic pro­cess, the āsana beco­mes a design exer­cise. The āsana not only crea­tes a new form, but also crea­tes a sen­sa­tion. The āsana beco­mes expres­sion. The ver­sa­tile exer­ci­ses show dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments and many crea­tive pos­si­bi­li­ties. This artistic activity can be seen inde­pen­dently of the tech­ni­cal exe­cu­tion. Alt­hough many āsana are shown with advan­ced forms, this artistic design pro­cess is the pri­mary goal of the āsana. This exhi­bi­tion shows āsana, per­for­med by Heinz Grill and pho­to­gra­phed by Mar­tin Sin­zin­ger, in its rhyth­mic sen­sa­ti­ons from more than 30 years of rese­arch.

„An āsana, a body exer­cise, reve­als and com­mu­ni­ca­tes spe­ci­fi­cally deve­l­o­ped thoughts and fee­lings, as it is not so much a pure body exer­cise, but more a sen­si­tive sen­sory exer­cise, in which the sen­sa­ti­ons are more and more expe­ri­en­ced as crea­tive forces and as relationship-loving, real forms of con­scious­ness, com­mu­ni­ca­ted in expres­sion.“ (Heinz Grill, Die See­len­di­men­sion des Yoga).