

ART Inns­bruck 2018

This year, the Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy will be taking part at the ART Inns­bruck art fair for the first time. Look for­ward to 19 works by Alexa Meade (USA), Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo (UK) and Ste­fan Schu­ma­cher (D). You will find us in hall A at booth F/07.

24 Janu­ary 2018 – 28 Janu­ary 2018

Opening hours of the art fair:
Wed­nes­day, 24 Janu­ary: 5:30pm VIP Pre­view, 7:30pm opening — by invi­ta­tion only
Thurs­day, 25 Janu­ary: 11 — 7 pm
Fri­day, 26 Janu­ary: 11 — 7 pm
Satur­day, 27 Janu­ary: 11 — 7 pm
Sun­day, 28 Janu­ary: 11 — 5 pm

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted on the art fair:

ART Inns­bruck 2018

The ART Inns­bruck — inter­na­tio­nal fair for con­tem­porary art has esta­blis­hed its­elf in it’s 21 years of history as a real brand and stands unmistaka­ble for qua­lity and variety. Pre­sen­ted is inter­na­tio­nal fine art of the 19th, 20th and 21st cen­tury — as uni­que pie­ces and/or limited edi­ti­ons — pain­tings, works on paper, mul­ti­ples, ori­gi­nal gra­phics, sculp­tures, objects/installations, artist books, pho­to­gra­phy, new media and other pre­cious objects.
The ART Inns­bruck is an out­stan­ding oppor­tu­nity to mesh regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal with artists and inte­res­ted people, espe­cially collec­tors and art lovers get their money worth.
The fair is an inter­me­diary bet­ween art makers, art suppliers and art gal­le­ries as well as bet­ween fri­ends and the public. As a mee­ting point for the art indus­try, the ART INNSBRUCK has become indis­pens­a­ble for the regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal art scene.