


This year, the Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy takes part again at the ARTMUC art fair in Munich, loca­ted on the Pra­ter island in the Isar river. Look for­ward to 10 works by Alexa Meade, Loreen Hinz and Kor­bi­nian Vogt. You will find us in the Füll­halle at booth F009.

19 Octo­ber 2017 – 22 Octo­ber 2017

Opening hours of the art fair:
Thurs­day, 19 Octo­ber: 6 — 10 pm
Fri­day, 20 Octo­ber: 12 — 8 pm
Satur­day, 21 Octo­ber: 12 — 8 pm
Sun­day, 22 Octo­ber: 12 — 6 pm

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted on the art fair:


The ARTMUC art fair gives visi­tors a chance to see unusual, high qua­lity art works and create a dia­lo­gue with inter­na­tio­nal artists. It was foun­ded by Marco and Raiko Schwalbe in 2011 and is far away from being a clas­sic art fair. Fol­lo­wing the expe­di­tious chan­ges in the art mar­ket where gal­le­ries and art dea­lers are not the pre­vail force any­more in the mar­ke­ting of artists, ARTMUC offers the oppor­tu­nity for artists to pro­mote their work directly and auto­no­mously. As gal­lery rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ons are not alli­an­ces for life any­more and are sub­ject to con­stant change, it’s the artists’ turn to create their own net­works and care for a proac­tive public visi­bi­lity in the art world and the mar­ket. Espe­cially aiming on the upco­m­ing and lar­gely unknown local and natio­nal artists, ARTMUC pro­vi­des a stage for them to show­case their own work. This is the point of depar­ture from the usual art fair expe­ri­ence, since the main focus is on inter­ac­tion and exch­ange among the artists, as well as get­ting new capa­bi­li­ties for self-marketing and net­wor­king with import­ant prot­ago­nists from the art world such as cura­tors, gal­le­rists, art dea­lers etc. Being a bridge bet­ween the art mar­ket and the art pro­mo­tion, ARTMUC crea­tes and expands per­so­nal rela­ti­onships with both artists and buyers.