
Riccardo Bandiera1.jpg

vin­cent litt­le­hat . perspectives

A group exhi­bi­tion of 21 inter­na­tio­nal pho­to­graph­ers fea­turing 27 works por­tray­ing Lon­don model Vin­cent Litt­le­hat in many dif­fe­rent ways. Ales­sio Albi, Eylül Aslan, Julian Baker, Ric­cardo Ban­diera, Mar­tin Valen­tin Fuchs, Stef­fen Galan, Rico Grund, Shu-Wei Huang, Alex­an­der Klang, Alex­an­der Maged­ler, Selina Mayer, Alio­cha Mer­ker, Beto Ruiz Alonso, Sasha Sta­ma­tov­ski, Michael Stern, Chris­tian Strahl, Nobuyuki Tagu­chi, Olaf Unverz­art, Alex­an­der Urban, Kor­bi­nian Vogt and Laura Zalenga are represented.

27 Janu­ary 2017 – 7 March 2017

On 27 Janu­ary begin­ning at 7 pm all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. Vin­cent Litt­le­hat and some of the artists will be present.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:

vin­cent litt­le­hat . perspectives

The model Vin­cent Litt­le­hat, who has recently recei­ved atten­tion for her musi­cal endea­vors, takes cen­ter stage at the Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Photography’s 23rd exhi­bi­tion. Among the hund­reds of pho­to­graph­ers Vin­cent has worked with since 2011, 21 artists have been selec­ted for this exhibition.Their works, 27 of which will be shown, reflect the broa­dest pos­si­ble spec­trum of visual aes­the­tics in con­tem­porary pho­to­gra­phy. For the viewer, Vincent’s will­fully andro­gy­n­ous tom­boy appearance rai­ses ques­ti­ons not only about sta­ging and authen­ti­city but also about the model’s role in the pro­cess of crea­ting images. At the same time, each of the pho­to­graphs shown defi­nes a new rela­ti­onship bet­ween the model and the viewer, who – through the camera’s lens – is pul­led in close or put in the place of a dis­tan­ced obser­ver. Though the exhi­bi­tion con­cen­tra­tes pri­ma­rily on nude pho­to­gra­phy, expe­ri­men­tal and con­cep­tual works are also rep­re­sen­ted.
Look for­ward to works by Ales­sio Albi, Eylül Aslan, Julian Baker, Ric­cardo Ban­diera, Mar­tin Valen­tin Fuchs, Stef­fen Galan, Rico Grund, Shu-Wei Huang, Alex­an­der Klang, Alex­an­der Maged­ler, Selina Mayer, Alio­cha Mer­ker, Beto Ruiz Alonso, Sasha Sta­ma­tov­ski, Michael Stern, Chris­tian Strahl, Nobuyuki Tagu­chi, Olaf Unverz­art, Alex­an­der Urban, Kor­bi­nian Vogt und Laura Zalenga