


This year, for the first time, the Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy takes part at the STROKE art fair in Munich, loca­ted on the Pra­ter island in the Isar river. Look for­ward to works by Tadao Cern, Sonja Her­pich, Loreen Hinz, Josef Karl, Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo and Alexa Meade. You will find us in the Füll­halle, booth A2.

4 May 2016 – 8 May 2016

Opening hours of the art fair:
Wed­nes­day, 4 May: 7 — 10 pm
Thurs­day, 5 May: 12 — 10 pm
Fri­day, 6 May: 12 — 10 pm
Satur­day, 7 May: 12 — 10 pm
Sun­day, 8 May: 12 — 6 pm

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted on the art fair:


STROKE was foun­ded in Munich in 2009 by Marco and Raiko Schwalbe to pre­sent their vision of art, design and urban life­style of the 21th cen­tury to the broad public.
It was their inten­tion to ques­tion and ban the out­da­ted con­cep­tion of so-called high cul­ture and pop cul­ture.
STROKE reco­gnizes over­lay, influ­en­cing and mix­ture of dif­fe­rent crea­tive expres­si­ons such as con­tem­porary art, design, music and fashion as one of the most signi­fi­cant cul­tu­ral chan­ges of the 21st cen­tury, thus being the essence of the event.
Wit­hin just seven years more than 150,000 people have visi­ted the STROKE and thus esta­blis­hed the event amongst the top-five of Germany’s art fairs. During the last decade there wasn’t any other art event in Ger­many exhi­bit­ing a com­pa­ra­ble growth and media inte­rest.
STROKE works as an experience-oriented event for cul­tu­ral pro­gress and rene­wal. Curio­sity and inte­rest the­reby replace the fear of the unknown. No mat­ter if you got an art his­to­ri­cal trai­ning, serious collector’s inten­tion or the pas­sion for shape and color – at this place art is fun at any age! The STROKE art fair pres­ents young, vibrant and the most import­ant: affor­da­ble art. Beside the known con­tem­porary aspects, the con­cept set a focus on digi­tal art, design and various other forms of urban lifestyle.