


The focus of this exhi­bi­tion, which inclu­des ten large-format works from 2019 to 2021, is the omni­p­re­sent color spec­trum of nature, which Die­mut von Funck inten­si­fies through tar­ge­ted inter­ven­ti­ons in the pic­to­rial space: As a star­ting point, the colors and with them the shapes and struc­tures form a con­stant in the image struc­tures, howe­ver lar­gely rede­fined and rein­ter­pre­ted into quasi-autonomous, abstract-expressive rhythms and patterns.

4 Janu­ary 2024 – 27 Janu­ary 2024

On Janu­ary 4 at 6 pm all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist is present.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


Dea­ling with the inherent pro­per­ties of nature in terms of color and struc­ture is the artistic approach of the Munich pho­to­gra­pher Die­mut von Funck (born 1952 in Kre­feld, trai­ned at the Pra­gue Photo School in Kefer­markt near Linz). Her spec­trum of images inclu­des the ent­ire range of phy­si­cal sta­tes of the land­scape, depen­ding on the sea­sons, wea­t­her and the pre­vai­ling light situa­tion, such as light reflec­tions on the water sur­face, fog or snow. The artist achie­ves an increase in the image effect by digi­tally over­lay­ing rela­ted image motifs, working with con­trol­led motion blur during the shoo­ting, or sub­jec­ting the natu­ral colors to increa­sed con­trast and satu­ra­tion. It is the change, the dis­so­lu­tion of space and time, the inter­wea­ving of sur­faces that make ano­ther rea­lity appear in abstrac­tion: brin­ging the invi­si­ble out from behind the visi­ble, revea­ling sym­bo­lic struc­tures of nature.

The focus of this exhi­bi­tion, which inclu­des ten large-format works from 2019 to 2021, is the omni­p­re­sent color spec­trum of nature, which Die­mut von Funck inten­si­fies through tar­ge­ted inter­ven­ti­ons in the pic­to­rial space: As a star­ting point, the colors and with them the shapes and struc­tures form a con­stant in the image struc­tures, howe­ver lar­gely rede­fined and rein­ter­pre­ted into quasi-autonomous, abstract-expressive rhythms and pat­terns. The spe­cial weight­ing of the color crea­tes a haun­ting effect on the viewer, which is fur­ther enhan­ced by the large for­mat of the works.