
Artist Steffi Pusch (born 1965) cur­rently resi­des in Eng­land and has been a pho­to­gra­pher since her youth. She began taking pho­to­graphs at the zoo in her home­town of Zscho­pau and later added por­traits and docu­men­tary pho­to­gra­phy to her prac­tice. Aside from her pro­fes­sion as a ped­ia­tric nurse, she also spends an inten­sive amount of time with the hand­craf­ted aspect of pho­to­gra­phic pro­duc­tion. She has atten­ded a num­ber of clas­ses with an empha­sis on black-and-white pho­to­gra­phy and has picked up the his­to­ri­cal prin­ting tech­ni­que of pro­ces­sing pla­ti­num and pal­la­dium prints. Today it is a given that her expe­ri­men­ta­tion with dif­fe­rent came­ras inclu­des toy, pin­hole, and medium for­mat came­ras, which par­al­lels how the con­t­ents of her images have slip­ped into expe­ri­men­tal land­scapes and still lifes.
With her camera, she pri­ma­rily savors and inves­ti­ga­tes the beauty of South East England’s moor­lands and coas­tal sce­nery. This results in finely-woven black and white pho­to­graphs often satura­ted with the type of shim­me­ring sun­light that was so tre­a­su­red by Impres­sio­nists. When Pusch pho­to­graphs indoors, the care­fully com­po­sed images are full of silence and light­ness. Among her most beau­ti­ful works are color pho­to­graphs of English land­scapes embed­ded with coun­try hou­ses; one that ser­ved as a sub­ject is the Bateman House, the for­mer home of “The Jungle Book” aut­hor Rudyard Kipling. In these images, the artist expe­ri­men­ted with mul­ti­ple expo­sures and land­scape per­spec­tives that prac­tically push up against each other to the point of over­lap­ping. Visual ciphers of trees, hedges, paths, and coun­try hou­ses have come into being, fin­ding each other in an indif­fe­rent spa­cial struc­ture and see­min­gly increase the exces­sive rich­ness of light, color, and scents.
Steffi Pusch’s sen­si­tive and sen­sual land­scape pho­to­gra­phy has been met with great inter­na­tio­nal response. The artist has alre­ady held several exhi­bi­ti­ons in Ger­many, Eng­land, and Spain. In 2012 she suc­cee­ded in pro­du­cing an artist’s book, “The Swim­mer,” with poet SJ Butler

Cur­ri­cu­lum Vitae
1965 born in Zscho­pau, Sax­ony, Germany
1984–1988 Trai­ning as a Paed­ia­tric Nurse in Luther­stadt Wit­ten­berg, Saxony-Anhalt
1992–1999 Theatre, Film and Tele­vi­sion Stu­dies, Ger­man Lan­guage and History of Art in Hei­del­berg and Cologne
1999–2004 Jour­na­listic expe­ri­en­ces in docu­men­ta­ries, radio and printing.
2002–2008 Lec­tu­rer in Media Stu­dies: film theory work­shops for child­ren, young adults and teachers.
2008 Relo­ca­tion from Colo­gne to East Sus­sex, con­ti­nua­tion of the lec­tu­ring activi­ties in Ger­many alongs­ide work at a bio­dy­na­mic farm in England
2009– Com­mit­tee mem­ber of the Forest Row Film Society (pro­gramming, mobile pro­jec­tions, film festival)
Steffi Pusch lives and works in Colo­gne, Ger­many, and Crow­bo­rough, East Sus­sex, UK
Exhi­bi­ti­ons – Selec­tion (S = Solo show, D = Dou­ble show, G = Group exhibition)
2012–2013 “All Things Con­sie­dered” (G), Knight Webb Gal­lery, London
2012 Fashion and Fine Art Event (G), Dry­land Busi­ness Member’s Club, London
“The Swim­mer” (S) inclu­ding the first pre­sen­ta­tion of the homony­mous artist book, Ash­down Gal­lery, Forest Row, UK
2010 Fes­ti­val Exhi­bi­tion (G), Crow­bo­rough, United Kingdom
“Venice Pin­hole” (S), Casa de Arte, San­ta­nij, Spain
“5 Years Foto­pen­sion” (G), Foto­pen­sion, Cologne
2008 “Wo die einen gehen und ste­hen, träu­men die ande­ren unge­niert” (S), Gale­rie Foto­pen­sion, Cologne
2007 “La Danse” (D), with the dan­cer and pain­ter Ghis­laine Watan­abe, Stu­dio Linke, Cologne
2006 “Far­bi­ges Köln” (wit­hin the week of archi­tec­ture Colo­gne; D) with the pho­to­gra­pher Irina Scheid­gen, Pavil­lon am Zül­pi­cher Wall, Cologne
2012 “The Swim­mer”, hand prin­ted artist book by SJ But­ler (text) and Steffi Pusch (pho­to­graphs), The Old Stile Press, Llan­dogo (publisher)
Black & White Maga­zine, Novem­ber issue, fea­ture on the artist book “The Swimmer”
“Pri­vate few and book launch“, (9/10/2012)
“Q&A SJ But­ler”, (9/4/2012)
“Steffi Pusch”, (2012)
“Steffi Pusch”, (2012)
2010 “Fes­ti­val Exhi­bi­tion Artist — Steffi Pusch”, (8/31/2010)
2008 “Steffi Pusch – Wo die einen gehen und ste­hen, träu­men die ande­ren unge­niert”, (2008)

Steffi Pusch

Steffi Pusch

My work often reflects my ambi­va­lent fee­lings about the expe­ri­ence of being at home, being else­where, being alien, being dif­fe­rent, being invol­ved. I try to visua­lise these fee­lings while expe­ri­men­ting with dif­fe­rent mate­ri­als, came­ras (mostly film but also digi­tal) and views as well as mul­ti­ple expo­sures, tex­tures or blur­ring.
I also expe­ri­ence moments of over­whel­ming cla­rity and awa­ren­ess — often when I am in nature or with people. These resul­ting still lives and por­traits are crea­ti­ons of silence and con­cen­tra­tion. The por­traits in par­ti­cu­lar need to be taken in an inti­mate, trust­ful atmo­s­phere if they are to become some­thing the per­son recogni­ses as an image of her or him­self. I am not a stu­dio pho­to­gra­pher. Instead I go out and visit the people who sit for me. We talk as I work and I get to know their sto­ries and per­so­na­li­ties, which enab­les me, I hope, to cap­ture the essence of their cha­rac­ters in my por­traits. And so a por­trait ses­sion beco­mes much more than just a shoo­ting.” (Steffi Pusch)